Arune Mooney
Arune Mooney, a focused, professional, perfectionist. Multiple award winning lash artist, who fell in love with the whole concept of semi permanent eyelash extensions immediately after brief training course. She began her career in 2014, has trained with some of the most talented Eyelash Masters around the World.
She opened the I AM Lash Academy back in 2019, and now as an educator herself is proud to pass on her experience and knowledge to others.
Over the last few years she has developed the 'I AM Lash PRO’ brand, which is recognised for its quality and innovation by many eyelash artists around the world.
She is at the top in her chosen profession, and her philosophy is that this is not a job, it's a lifestyle, and to be at the top no matter if you are an eyelash artist, educator, salon or brand owner, you have to love it, live it and breathe it.
2019年には「I AM Lash Academy」を設立し、現在は教育者として、自らの経験と知識を後進に伝えることに誇りを持っています。
近年では、「I AM Lash PRO」ブランドを立ち上げ、世界中の多くのアイラッシュアーティストからその品質と革新性で認められています。